Home / Registration


Notification of Acceptance

Once the committee reaches the decision, we issue an acceptance letter to the delegates to register for the conference. Before registering to the conference, the authors must agree that at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper.

Note: Listeners and Delegations from the same area of interest can also attend the conference. Listener includes those delegates who are virtually attending the conference but not presenting.

Registration Documents
  1. Final Camera Ready Paper [Updated according to reviewer comments.
  2. Copyright
  3. Payment Acknowledgement Screenshot

Note: Confirmation of your registration will be sent by email within 2 working days of receipt.


In order for ISMAC to publish and disseminate research articles, the conference needs publishing rights. This is determined by the publishing agreement signed between the author and publisher. The copyright deals with the transfer of rights for publication purposes only. The author retains significant rights to use and share their own published articles.

Copyright ↓

eCopyright Submission

Registration Fee
Category Fee
Students (UG/PG) IEEE members $120
Students (UG/PG) non-IEEE members $130
Faculty & Scholars IEEE members $140
Faculty & Scholars non-IEEE members $150
Industry Person IEEE members $160
Industry Person non-IEEE members $170
Listener IEEE members $100
Listener non-IEEE members $110

Payment Methods

Authors are requested to pay the Registration Fee (via online payments mode only) by using anyone of the following payment gateways:

Secure Pay

Conference Documents/Material

All Conference documents/material will be provided to you at the conference.

Acknowledgement of Registration & Presentation Schedule

If you have not received acknowledgment of your registration one week before the conference, please contact us at ismacconfdesk@gmail.com. Detailed programme along with the list of delegates, short profile and papers to be presented in the conference will be uploaded on our website homepage.

Note The presentation time limit is 15 minutes. There is no limitation on the number of slides and it is not required in any particular format.

Cancellation Policy

After registration, no refunds or cancellations are permitted.

Ethical Publication Practices

logo  ISMAC is committed to the highest standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty.

logo  Serious misconduct (for example, data duplication, falsification or plagiarism) is taken seriously. If misconduct is proven, sanctions will be applied. [Applies to post-conference plagiarism also].

logo  Before publication, ISMAC will randomly review papers using the powerful text comparison tool. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. ISMAC will not be responsible for rejection due to any plagiarism that occurs after forwarding the paper to publication.